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Each resource listed covers a single topic pertinent to growing beautiful dahlias.


The resources have been written by dahlia enthusiasts, not necessarily scientists or horticulturalists. These enthusiasts are pleased to share their experience and best practices with you. Please keep in mind that there are a variety of opinions in the dahlia community and that different solutions and procedures work in different circumstances and locales.



Growing Guide Handout

Preparing for a Dahlia Garden
Starting Tubers
Putting Your Dahlias Down for a Long Winter’s Nap (a Pictorial)
Planting and Staking
Supporting Dahlias
Grooming (includes topping, disbudding, and disbranching)
Understanding Dahlia Forms
Understanding ADS Classification Numbers
Assigning Colors
Learn About Hybridization of Dahlias (video)



Digging, Dividing, and Storing Tubers
The Saran Wrap Tuber Storage Method



Get inspired with these videos from Kristine Albrecht, ADS member and ADS Genome Project Leader


Grow Dahlias in Pots
Dahlia Cuttings
Starting Dahlias from Seeds
More on Starting Dahlias from Seed
Growing Seedlings in 4″ Pots
A Fun Look at Staking Dahlias
An Innovating Way to Stake Dahlias
Elkhart Dahlia Society Video: Digging Dahlias



Disbudding Dahlias

Tying Dahlias

Thanks to the American Dahlia Society for providing this extentive resource list.

MDS Video Tutorials

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