People’s Choice 2019 Results
Every year at our State Fair Show we have a section called the People’s Choice section in which the public vote on their favorite bloom.

Vote box

The line up
This year’s winner is Ka’s Khaleesi with 152 votes, by John Kooiman!
Ka’s Khaleesi is an
AA = giant dahlia with bloom diameter measuring over 10 inches
ID = informal decorative – defined by ray florets being twisted, curled, or wavy in an irregular arrangement)
W = white
Ka’s Khaleesi
The complete results of this year’s People’s Choice voting are below:
1. Carmen Alexandra – 15, Mary Montagne 2. Miss Amara (two-centers) – 72, Jeanne Murphy 3. Bloomquist Globe – 79, Judy Romer 4. Pinking of You – 40, Arnie Sachs 5. Pam Howden – 111, John Kooiman 6. Clearview Sharron – 8, John Kooiman 7. Ka’s Khalessi – 152, John Kooiman 8. Just Married – 108, John Kooiman
Total Votes: 585
Thank you to everyone who took part in voting!