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Position of Second Vice President

From the By-Laws

Article V. Duties of Officers

Section 3 – The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the First Vice President. This position will also be responsible for planning and carrying out the internal programs of the Society including the monthly meetings, awards presentations, and club sponsored fundraising activities. The Second Vice President shall be assisted in the performance of these duties by the Program Director and other committees as shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Second Vice President shall correspond with other dahlia societies for the exchange of medals.

Section 8 – The Program Director will work with the Second Vice President in the planning and preparation of the general monthly membership meetings.

Section 11 – The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two directors shall be elected for staggered two-year terms, with three elected one year and four elected the next.

General duties:

Assume duties in the absence of the President and first vice president

  1. Preside over general meeting

  2. Preside over board meeting

  3. Preside over Nominating Committee

  4. Preside over Audit Committee

  5. Update the full year calendar page on the website as well as create events and announcements to promote the meetings and picnics. Can also delegate to the Program Director.

  6. Write any emails (using MailChimp) to promote these events.

General Meeting Programs

  1. Planning

  2. Location arrangements: Tables, podium, microphone, screen, projector, food tables, etc.

  3. Speakers for general meetings in February, March, May, and October.

  4. Carrying out

  5. Coordinate with Membership Chair for name tags.

  6. Coordinate with Hospitality Volunteer for table settings.

  7. Coordinate with President for agenda timeline.

Awards Presentation – November

  1. Planning

  2. Reserve venue by June.

  3. Fall Mailing (October): Awards banquet information.

  4. Location arrangements: Podium, microphone, screen, projector, bar, trophy table, etc.

  5. Food catering arrangements (special dietary needs).

  6. Member RSVP (special menu).

  7. Carrying out

  8. Coordinate setup of tables, podium/mic, projector, trophies, etc.

  9. Coordinate with Membership chair for name tags.

  10. Coordinate with hospitality committee for table settings.

Tuber Sale – April

  1. Planning

  2. Coordinate with Tuber Buying Committee for quantity and prices.

  3. Coordinate with location volunteer arrangements for tuber bagging.

  4. Coordinate with Tuber Buying volunteer to display bagged tubers.

  5. Location arrangements for tuber sale: dates, access, hours open to the public, etc.

  6. Credit card process and check acceptance policy.

  7. Carrying out

  8. Coordinate setup of room for tuber sale with venue’s contact.

  9. Coordinate with Sale Committee to display tubers, total sales, cashiers, information booth, etc.

  10. Coordinate with the Show Committee and Trial Garden Committee to promote society events.

June Picnic

  1. Planning

  2. Location arrangements: reservation or volunteer to hold space.

  3. Meeting agenda.

  4. Coordinate with Hospitality Committee for tablecloths if desired.

Garden Tour and Picnic – June

  1. Planning

  2. Form Garden Tour Committee – volunteers

  3. Location arrangements: reservation or volunteer to host

  4. Plan with board volunteer gardens, schedule, maps, transportation, potluck, etc.

  5. Coordinate with First VP and Show Chairman for show books and parking passes (needed for State Fair only).

Collaborate with

  1. Program Director appointed by the Board (who is this?).

  2. Other Committees appointed by the Board, such as the Awards Committee, Tuber Buying Committee, Membership Committee, Hospitality Committee, Show Committee, Trial Garden Committee.

Other Dahlia Societies

  1. Exchange of medals.

  2. List societies we have exchanged with in the past, with contact info.

Lessons Learned

December – It is all about “the game” so don’t plan any presentation. Karen Zierdt may do a slide show of the Trial Garden results.

May – It is all about selling tubers and plants so don’t make any elaborate plans. This is a better month to cover planting, instead of earlier.

For the Garden Tour, encourage car pooling with an official carpool lot as the meeting place. Plan a presentation at the picnic to demonstrate how to place your bloom entry; including filling out the tag. Also, training for clerks and judges on filling out the clerk sheets.

Banquet – Walk through the venue to figure out where the presenter will stand and what light is available. People complain if it is too dark. Especially those trying to read the awards.

Record of Position

1930 – Present

2021 – Rick Snyder

2020 – Rick Snyder

2019 – Rick Snyder

2018 – Rick Snyder

2017 – Mary Walker

2016 – Mary Walker

2015 – Becka Jacobson

2014 – Becka Jacobson

2013 – Becka Jacobson

2012 – Becka Jacobson

2011 – Becka Jacobson

2010 – Becka Jacobson

2009 – Joan Vann

2008 – Joan Vann

2007 – Deanna Franz

2006 – Deanna Franz

2005 – Deanna Franz

2004 – Deanna Franz

2003 – Phyllis Krueger

2002 – Phyllis Krueger

2001 –

2000 –

1999 –

1998 –

1997 –

1996 –

1995 –

1994 –

1993 –

1992 –

1991 –

1990 –

1989 –

1988 –

1987 –

1986 –

1985 –

1984 – Larry Bagge

1983 – Larry Bagge

1982 –

1981 –

1980 –

1979 –

1978 –

1977 –

1976 –

1975 –

1974 –

1973 –

1972 –

1971 –

1970 –

1969 –

1968 –

1967 –

1966 –

1965 –

1964 –

1963 –

1962 –

1961 –

1960 –

1959 –

1958 –

1957 –

1956 –

1955 –

1954 –

1953 –

1952 –

1951 –

1950 –

1949 –

1948 –

1947 –

1946 –

1945 –

1944 –

1943 –

1942 –

1941 –

1940 –

1939 –

1938 –

1937 –

1936 –

1935 –

1934 –

1933 –

1932 –

1931 –

1930 –

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