2019 Arboretum Volunteers
We want to encourage you to volunteer at the Trial Garden so we include options that will allow you to complete the process at no cost to you.
4 Step Process to Volunteer at the Trial Garden
Create or update your Arboretum volunteer account (new this year). Use this link Application Form – MN Landscape Arboretum.If you volunteered last year you should have received an email with your username and a temporary password (check you spam folder), fill out the section on the right: I already have a username. If you are new to this, complete the form on the left: I am new to MyImpactPage.com to create a username and account.
If you did not volunteer last year, request info to complete the background check, using this link for the Dahlia Society Form at the bottom of this page.
If you do not already have a membership to the Arb, request one, using this link for the Dahlia Society Form at the bottom of this page.
Sign Up on a Team at the Trial Garden. Using this link to SignUpGenius.
MDS is working with the Arboretum on this so we need to coordinate information. They have a new Volunteer Database where you can create an account by completing the Application Form.
Click the title above to open the Volunteer Database. Unless you have already done so, fill out the short form to create an account by choosing a unique username. I just added MDS to my first name. You will also need to read (and check the box) the university of Minnesota’s Code of Conduct. Then Save and Continue.
Fill in all the fields flagged as required. Read and agree to the Volunteer Agreement and Release Statemenet as well as the Expectations for Interactoin withYouth.
After you submit your completed form, you will recieve an email (check your spam folder) which talks about an orientation meeting. If you only plan to work in our Trial Garden you can skip that.
Of course the Arb has a lot to offer and you may find a new interest if you go.
Use Sign Up Genius to put your name on specific dates where more volunteers are needed. You don’t have to stick to the same team each time. Just click the Trial Garden Sign Up button.
The MDS has agreed to pay the one time $40 background check fee for members who pledge to work at least FOUR times in the Trial Garden this season.
If you select that you are a member or interested in Minnesota Dahia Society then there will be an option to take advantage of this.
If you went through the process last year then skip the background check step.

You will receive an email reminder in a few days before each of the dates you signed up for.

You can still log your time in the main building lobby. Ask which PC to use behind the Information desk. Find your name and Dahlia Society. Enter 2 hours for average Saturday.
Or you can now login to the new “My Impact” system from home, to enter your hours. You are free to change your Username and/or Password any time you like by visiting “My Profile” and choosing “Contact Information”.
Emails went out on April 4th and April 29th containing your temporary username and password. If these emails are not in your Inbox, please search your Spam or Trash folders. New volunteers will receive their information in due course.
Already have an account on MyImpactPage.com to volunteer at the Arb? Go to volunteer login
