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Dahlia Forms Revealed

To learn about classifying dahlias download this document from the ADS. Or use the arrows in the interactive media to view each page. Classifying-Dahlias-Jan-2017

There are 20 forms of Dahlia recognized by the ADS

Formal Decorative (FD-0)

Informal Decorative – (ID #1)


Straight Cactus (C-3)

Incurved Cactus- (IC-4)

Laciniated – (LC-5)

Ball- BA #60-over 3.5 inches in diameter

Stellar-ST #70

Waterlily-WL #73

Novelty Fully Double- NX-#76

Peony-PE #80

Anemone- AN #82

Novelty Open- NO-#86

Collarette- CO #90

Orchid- O-#92

Single-S # 96

Mingon Single-MS #97 up to 2 inches in diameter

Orchette- OT #94

The ADS recognizes 15 different color or color combinations of dahlias. 1) White 2) Yellow 3) Orange 4) Pink 5) Dark Pink 6) Red 7) Dark Red 8) Lavender 9) Purple 10) Light Blend – a blending of the lighter tints and tones of pink, yellow, lavender, and other pastels 11) Bronze 12) Flame 13) Dark Blend 14) Variegated – where two or more colors appear on the face of the bloom either in dots, splashes, stripes 15) Bicolor – blooms with two distinctly clear and sharply separated color

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